June 17, 2024

Setting cartography rules in a web map service–what does this mean? – December 1, 2022 at 08:00PM

I’m studying for the GISP exam next week, and phew is it wide ranging. Despite a GIS minor, 17 years experience in various fields, and several weeks of concentrated studying, the practice test still has questions about things I have never heard of.

One such item is regarding the benefits of setting cartography rules in a web map service. I got the correct answer by logical guessing, but I really can’t find decent info online about what it means to do this, how it’s done, etc. Does it simply mean setting up the symbology of your web map before publishing? I suspect it’s something more than this, but heck if I can figure it out. Anyone have any info? Decent links?

On a related note… I feel like the test shouldn’t be this haaaard! Why does it have to go in to minute detail about every aspect of such a wide field. I will also gladly take commiserating, kvetching, and general whining from other people who have been through it.

submitted by /u/geographicfox
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