May 21, 2024

Spider-Man remastered map – December 1, 2022 at 11:07PM

Hey all, this might be a ridiculous question, but my brain is in work mode so i need answers. I know next to nothing about 3d modeling and the art as a whole. but i wanted to get into it to create art pieces/references for my art pieces. and i was wondering if it has been done, or even if its possible, for someone to take the map from the spider-man remastered game and find a way to get it into literally any program. Ive seen online that people have taken things like character models and npc models from games. but i started to wonder if anyone had ever done anything like what im describing.

i know that the map is huge but idk if its out of curiosity or what but i gotta know if this is out there or if anyone was done this already.

sorry if this is a stupid question but i hope someone on here can at least tell me that its not possible lol

submitted by /u/No_Contribution4139
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