May 21, 2024

Ultimate Crisis Map? – December 14, 2022 at 11:39PM

So 2 questions:

1) does anyone have a map, in the style of (https://i.redd.it/k2j0qky1pqg91.png) that circles all the spawn points for ultimate crisis armies. I gave up my wood elf campaign because I was surprised when armies spawned in settlements I owned (mostly the minor dwarven holds at ziflin, norn, and azorn, before ultimate crisis was a thing so just a regular grudge to far) and just CBA to finish since I owned over 200 settlements already. But what other surprising spawns are there for the other races?

2) are there any factions which eliminated will not come back during the ultimate crisis or do they all revive? Or does every non confederated faction come back no matter what.

submitted by /u/darks_end
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