June 17, 2024

Trying to calculate Strahler orders but all values over 5 just give me a map where all values are 0. – January 22, 2023 at 05:22PM

Trying to calculate Strahler orders but all values over 5 just give me a map where all values are 0.

Just to clarify, I’m a complete beginner in using GIS, so sorry if my problem’s blatantly obvious.

Basically, this is work for school, and I need to calculate the Strahler orders of an area, but all values above 5 calculated give me a blank map. I checked the saved document and I can tell that there are actual colored lines(?) on it. this is practical work for a class. the process was basically merging 4 DEM tiles, reprojecting them from 4326 to 32632, clipping a subset DEM to ease calculations, filling sinks with the Wang & Liu algorithm, and using that DEM to calculate the Strahler orders.

Ps: when using the algorithms, I had to save them as SDAT files since they wouldn’t be projected if saved as .tif

I’m using Qgis 2.18.11

I apologize if any of the terms I used are wrong, and any help would be greatly appreciated



submitted by /u/butthole-sensei01
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