June 17, 2024

making a map of my property and hiking trails – January 26, 2023 at 03:32PM

I’m attempting to map 27ish acres of mostly forest so I can keep track orlf trails and important locations. How do I crop the map to just show my property or at least my property as the main focus (right now my basemap is the world and I don’t need to zoom out that far. Also best way to map my trails? The woods is just a block of trees on the basemap and I’d rather the trails be semi accurate location wise. How possible is it to set up a qr code to show said map if scanned? The property is an airbnb and I’d like guests to be able to view the map and various points of interest. I’m not super familiar with gis and Google is isn’t helping like I’d hoped

submitted by /u/Ravenwolf555555 to r/ArcGIS
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