June 8, 2024

The new BG’s meta will be Frogs and I am not looking forward to it – May 6, 2023 at 04:41PM

The Leap Frogger build has, since its inception, been an incredibly powerful build, that relies on very little RNG and can/has produced the most ridiculous, overstated, and impossible to kill boards. One of the fee builds that even remotely stands a chance is a beefy murloc build because of poison. Well guess what, poison is gone and frogs are still in and with the new Rivendare, is insane and MUST be nerfed, or more to my preference, deleted.

They MUST make a minion that silences on attack or something, because mark my words,” This deck will ruin the fun of battlegrounds if people know to/can land it consistently.

submitted by /u/Jellypope
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/13a10pb/the_new_bgs_meta_will_be_frogs_and_i_am_not/

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