June 8, 2024

First time hitting legend – May 21, 2023 at 09:32PM

So I just hit Legend for the first time in standard, it is incidentally my first season back after quitting 3 years ago when my firstborn came along. Traditionally I always liked Control Warrior and Priest and could never be bothered to grind Past Rank 5 on the old ladder.

Anyway I picked up Undead Priest and quickly shot up to D5 with a 72% win rate in the 2nd week of the season and then proceeded to bounce from D2-D5 before having an almost straight shot to Legend. Missed out to the “final boss” the first time due to a Warlock hitting his combo 1 turn too early and then won the next 2 to finish Legend Rank 10164 after 123 Wins and 75 Losses with an overall win rate of 62%.

My deck was the standard Undead Priest with Nerubian Vizier subbed in instead of Boneslinger (or Amalgam or pozzik & astalor as the meta evolved)

I found my supposed easy matchup against Blood DK to be the most difficult! The healing potential and sheer number of answers in that deck is ludicrous. Luckily Frost Dk was more prevalent and easy to out tempo so overall I was 33-24 vs DK. Paladin was 10-9, no comment really. Only lost to Hunter overall which was 0-3 according to my tracker but I don’t recall those matches at all. Interestingly vs Priest I went 23-10 and mostly beat both Undead and Control easily just knowing when to go face and how to out tempo the opponent (I really think Vizier helped a lot with the mirror).

The game has changed a lot and much like Trump back in the day I feel at a loss without a slow control deck and confused to be playing face with priest like a hunt*rd but boy does it work (just as well after the nerf really).

Until Blood DK is less prevalent or is nerfed I will have to play control priest now and see where I can get because I found UD Priest fun to pilot but pretty mindless. Look forward to seeing all the meme decks at low legend and trying some stuff out myself, just wonder how hard it is to get 11 Bonus Stars on EU? I know it is based on MMR etc

submitted by /u/jayp233
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/13obn1m/first_time_hitting_legend/

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