June 9, 2024

Do Mechs feel super underpowered right now or is it just me? – May 23, 2023 at 11:17PM

I dont know if anyone else feels this way but compared to the other tribes in BG right now I feel that Mech’s are super underpowered. Compared to Demons, Quilboar, or Undead, it doesn’t really buildup or scale very fast.

I feel like Im spending all my gold on magnetizing mechs that don’t give very amazing buffs, and the T5 mech that buffs them for each mag is nowhere to be seen. Does anyone else feel this way? Ive won games with just about every tribe now but I just cant pull it off with mechs.

submitted by /u/A_Duck_With_Teeth
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/13q89gc/do_mechs_feel_super_underpowered_right_now_or_is/

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