May 20, 2024

Hearthstone became frustrating to play as a returning player – June 4, 2023 at 09:58PM


I haven’t played for some years and today I grinded a few matches. There are very nice rewards for returning players, like the loaner decks, and I got about 150 free packs. I also got like 6k Gold.

But for some reason, I can’t enjoy Hearthstone. I feel like there is way too much control in the game. I can’t even have a single minion on the battlefield for a single turn. It literally gets destroyed/removed/countered immediately. Its so frustrating to play nowadays.

I don’t feel like this was the same when I played Hearthstone the last time. Just from the matches I’ve played now, I feel like the meta has shifted incredibly towards spells and I don’t like that at all. Even the high cost mana minions I’ve played so far had no impact because they don’t even last a single turn on the battlefield.

Also, some matches are going on forever while literally everything is controlled by spells.

Are there players who have been playing for years and can agree with me? Or do I just remember hearthstone wrong? Is it only like that currently? Anyway, I can’t enjoy Hearthstone like I used to.

submitted by /u/Ok_Baseball_2857
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/140wk2p/hearthstone_became_frustrating_to_play_as_a/

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