May 20, 2024

Has Colossal been the most successful keyword/card type to ever be released? – June 21 2023 at 04:11AM

Interested I hear the opinions of players as I only started playing Hearthstone around Darkmoon Faire.

But with the latest Druid decks now including Colaque and previously Ozumat there have been meta decks including all of the Colossals other than Sindragosa (this is more due to the rune restriction than the card though).

Interested to know if anything has been as successful as this?

For me personally I really loved everything about the Colossals. Cool art, good theme, felt significant when played and flexible in that they were able to fit into many different archetypes within their classes.

submitted by /u/GJCoxy
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/14f11u0/has_colossal_been_the_most_successful_keywordcard/

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